So this blog post is all about choices..... Yes, you my lovies are going to be making some choices for moi : D Why? Cos you love me. You know u do. Anyhoodle, I was tickled pink when i found out yesterday that my blog was nominated for
Best Personal Blog. Besides
Simeon, whom i tend to harass from time to time on Skype, i didn't really bother much about being nominated and according to him, he didn't nominate me for any of the categories cos i didn't qualify....... side eye to you
Simeon : )
I was pleased, am not going to lie, especially for the category i was nominated under. I don't share as much as i would like to, but I'm glad you guys like my blog enough to nominate me. If you nominated me, thank you very much. I appreciate it. May 31st when voting opens, i will be harassing you guys to Puh lease, go vote for moi. {
Simeon !!!!!} lol
Oya o! Wahala dey. I don't know why my life cannot just be straightforward. I somehow found a way to get myself in another situation. Long and short of the story..... I'm in a love triangle and it's getting complicated. It's getting complicated BECAUSE I like the two of them. So just for the fun of it cos God knows i probably would not end up with either guy, i want you guys to pick for me.
Bachelor A
PROS - Very easy on the eyes
-I fell in like with him the first time we spoke
-Majorly attracted to him
-Great conversation that first day
-He told me he likes me
-Plenty compliments
-Slightly risque conversations
-Na fine boy (seriously)
-Calm and laid back.
-He is a major sweetheart...
CONS- When i asked him if he had a chic, he said "Not yet". (????? What the fuck is that?)
-He has a chic he likes and if he had his way would be with her but......... but dey the matter.
-So what? Are you settling for me?
-You can't like me and like someone else..... Abomination of the first order
-Worried i might have fallen in like with him that day on a rebound. Not sure.
-Conversation not so great anymore.
-We don't have lengthy, meaningful conversations regularly
-He's in the UK
Side note: Get more confused everything i speak to him cos his voice is very soothing and he's so sweet and i realize am still in like with him.
Bachelor B
PROS: Cute with a capital Q
-My kind of pretty boy cute, just the way i like 'em
-Awesome, awesome gister
-Great conversation. I have spent approximately 4 hours everyday talking to this dude for the last 2 weeks
-Great listener
-He used to call me his guy
-Then he said he was catching feelings
-Now he's in love with me
-He doesn't like anyone else but me (at the moment)
-Cute with a capital Q
-He's too fine (yes, i'm learning slowly but surely)
-He said lately he has a tendency to like people, then fall out of like with him after a while
-He also said i might be the one to change that
-Should i put my money on that?
-Fickleness, especially in relationships scare me.
-He's in the UK
Side note: He is cute! I like looking at him. I enjoy our no strings attached, everything conversations. If i was serious (and ready) I could totally see myself falling for this guy big time.
PROBLEM 1: Bachelor A and Bachelor B are cousins
PROBLEM 2: Bachelor A said from day 1 that he liked me, and he told Bachelor B and another cousin who is my friend. Both Bachelor A and B know that i like Bachelor A. Only cousin knows I'm currently swinging like a pendulum
PROBLEM 3: Bachelor A already talks to me like he likes me and knows that i like him back
PROBLEM 4: I really like Bachelor B now, but i still like Bachelor A
PROBLEM 5: I complicate my own damn life.
Semi-serious Disclaimer: I just got out of a relationship that has left me emotionally drained at the moment. I am not looking to start another one so soon. *Humor me guys, I know they are
cousins but if you had to who would you pick?
By the way, neither of these guys have actually said anything about wanting to be with me, although it can be assumed, but i chose not to assume anything at this point. Does "I like you or I'm in love with you = i want to be with you these days? All these breed of guys we have roaming the streets these days, i don't trust them.