My dear blogthrens,
I've been sitting here eating crackers at 230 in the morning.
If that's not "home problem", I don't know what is.
My friend wanted to chat with me on whatsapp.
I told him if he can't call, he should forget it.
I have no desire to be chatting this night.
So he sent his Mallam to go buy him a phonecard.
Na wa o!
When am i going to have people to be running my errands?
I really wasn't cut out to be dealing with some mundane shit.
I was built for a life of luxury
Universe, take note.
I have been called a troublemaker, wahala woman, Margaret Thatcher
No, no and no!
I don't have power anymore
This has been a great year for opportunities to exercise restraint
I'm just sitting here smiling at some thoughts
The people who have escaped the razor tongue
We thank the good lord for growth
I let people who think they can talk, talk
I am highly amused because i KNOW that in a second
I can have them feeling like a dagger just went through their heart but i chose not to.
That my friends,
is power!
Being able to be in control of yourself makes you more powerful over any situation (original quote). Ha!
One of my friends stopped by this evening and was telling someone to talk to me about his girl problems. I was like, you might not want to do that because i am very cynical and blunt. Then she says to him that he really should talk to me because i am wise (I'm quoting here o) and i give good advice without making the person feel stupid. That was very unexpected and it made me feel good because i know that i can be very blunt. I have had to be more conscious of my bluntness because it is never my intention to hurt someone's feelings. Evidently, i have succeeded. The first time i was ever told i was blunt, was in JSS 1. Can you imagine?
3am! I am pretty much screwed for tomorrow cos i am never up this late. I drank some tea so i could stay up and study, so that is playing a role in this self induced insomnia. Anyhoodle, before i end this post, i just wanted to say the readers of this blog are some pretty good looking folks, at least the ones who have followed me on Instagram. I won't bother to mention names because frankly i don't know who is who because their lazy asses don't bother to leave comments, so i don't know them from Adam :)
I seriously need some suya spice! Someone please help a sister out and tell me where to get some online, abeg. I would prefer the Nina brand. That's what i use to bake my fish but i have been out of it for a while. Also, what is the best way to comfort a grieving mother? My friend just lost a much desired and worked for 5month pregnancy and it was a 110% the fault of the doctor. I guess in Nigeria there is no recourse. I seriously would like to know the best way to be there for her without making her feel bad.
My birthday is coming up and i have decided to make some new year resolutions. Number ONE and ONLY: Stop cursing. This is not just a blog problem, it is also a real life problem. I think i pretty much write how i talk (on this blog). No one has complained but I am just noticing it more for some reason. It's almost like i can't express myself sometimes without cursing. Being in America has done wonders for my previously impeccable English. I actually remember a time when there was not a single curse word in my vocabulary
From next week, things are going to get realer. Exam on Monday, another one on Tuesday, also doing my Medicine Sub-Internship next month (where you act like a first year intern). Those of you who want me to start believing in God, now's your chance. Start praying because certain things need to fall into place. Ask him to restore my faith. I don tire.
I told my father i didn't want to get married but that's another story for another day, if ever. LOL...the poor man. He's a good dad though. He has told me since i was little that i am troublesome and exactly like his mother whom they all believe i am a reincarnate of. Sometimes my mother talks to me as if i am my grandmother. SMH. My mother and paternal grandmother are the perfect example of a DIL and MIL relationship that was great. It's unfortunate that she passed away early and i never got to meet her. She was an exceptional lady from what i hear.
For those of you who believe in prayers, don't forget about me next week. You can start today though. No need to wait. Thank you very much.
I love you guys....