......AKA don't allow yourself to be deceived.
I was reading a facebook status message today where a lady shared that it was discovered her husband has very low sperm count and she really wants a baby. There were lots of advice which i didn't bother reading as i only wanted to see what the " facebook friend" who had commented wrote. As i was about to click off, i saw this advice "Sperm doesn't give children, God does, so continue to pray"
I was instantly annoyed. The first thing that came to my mind, was SPERM gives children, let's stop lying to ourselves. If your husband has very low sperm count, unless you want God to come down and impregnant you, without the use of "medicine", you will not be conceiving a child. Prayers alone are not going to put a baby in your uterus.
Can we stop lying to ourselves all in the name of religion. Women who have tried for years to have kids, all of a sudden, you see them with twins, instead of them to say the truth, they will go to church and thank God for their miracle babies that he so miraculously blessed them with. They will quietly skip all the fertility treatments they did. People who don't know better will be using them as a point of contact and waiting on the lord, not knowing they had help.
Two of my close friends right now are married to partners who are AS and they are also AS. One of them is currently pregnant.You can find out what the genotype of your baby is in utero which is what she did. You know why? Think elective abortion. If the baby is SS, some couples chose to abort until they have a baby who doesn't have the disease. Now people from the outside looking in, will see the AS:AS couple have three kids that are all AS or AA and decide to take a chance too, without knowing what they actually did. They will leave it in God's hands and
pray. I have read many comments on blogs saying the exact thing, let God take control. I even told my friend, people will be using you as a example of why they should go ahead and marry an AS person if they are AS, as they might be lucky too with kids, as God will work his miracles. They won't know the truth. AS:AS couples also have the option of IVF, instead of taking a chance.
Point is these people don't come out and tell people the truth. They go to church, give testimonies of their miracles and people are deceived. I'm not saying miracles don't happen or the odds don't work in some people's favor cos it does but I have a problem with someone saying sperm doesn't bring children, God does except they mean God is going to come impregnate the person as in the case of Mary, then ok. Anything else, please carry yourself and your husband to the doctor AND pray, not just pray and don't go to the doctor. That is just foolishness to me.