......AKA don't allow yourself to be deceived.
I was reading a facebook status message today where a lady shared that it was discovered her husband has very low sperm count and she really wants a baby. There were lots of advice which i didn't bother reading as i only wanted to see what the " facebook friend" who had commented wrote. As i was about to click off, i saw this advice "Sperm doesn't give children, God does, so continue to pray"
I was instantly annoyed. The first thing that came to my mind, was SPERM gives children, let's stop lying to ourselves. If your husband has very low sperm count, unless you want God to come down and impregnant you, without the use of "medicine", you will not be conceiving a child. Prayers alone are not going to put a baby in your uterus.
Can we stop lying to ourselves all in the name of religion. Women who have tried for years to have kids, all of a sudden, you see them with twins, instead of them to say the truth, they will go to church and thank God for their miracle babies that he so miraculously blessed them with. They will quietly skip all the fertility treatments they did. People who don't know better will be using them as a point of contact and waiting on the lord, not knowing they had help.
Two of my close friends right now are married to partners who are AS and they are also AS. One of them is currently pregnant.You can find out what the genotype of your baby is in utero which is what she did. You know why? Think elective abortion. If the baby is SS, some couples chose to abort until they have a baby who doesn't have the disease. Now people from the outside looking in, will see the AS:AS couple have three kids that are all AS or AA and decide to take a chance too, without knowing what they actually did. They will leave it in God's hands and pray. I have read many comments on blogs saying the exact thing, let God take control. I even told my friend, people will be using you as a example of why they should go ahead and marry an AS person if they are AS, as they might be lucky too with kids, as God will work his miracles. They won't know the truth. AS:AS couples also have the option of IVF, instead of taking a chance.
Point is these people don't come out and tell people the truth. They go to church, give testimonies of their miracles and people are deceived. I'm not saying miracles don't happen or the odds don't work in some people's favor cos it does but I have a problem with someone saying sperm doesn't bring children, God does except they mean God is going to come impregnate the person as in the case of Mary, then ok. Anything else, please carry yourself and your husband to the doctor AND pray, not just pray and don't go to the doctor. That is just foolishness to me.
Unique Prayer Request
11 hours ago
I don't understand how people can say things like that. I am often tempted to ask follow-up questions. :)
ReplyDeleteOn a different note... I am really impressed how consistent you are with your blog. That's awesome! Best to you.
This comment has been removed by the author.
Deleteyes people do deceive each other but then again you sound like a doctor in training who doesn't believe in God and miracles! science alone can't explain everything. why do people with no sperm count impregnate or a woman who has been on all the therapy she can, gets pregnant after she stops trying. there are things like medical miracle dat defies scientific explanation
ReplyDeleteI don't think there's any criteria that doctors in training should believe in God and miracles. I agree that science doesn't explain everything but what's d sense in not even trying anything medical when that MIGHT be d solution to your problem.
DeleteJust because something defies scientific explanation doesn't automatically make it a miracle. If you read my last paragraph, I did say pray and go to the doctor.
i hope you aren't taking this the wrong way but when i meant you sound like a doctor in training, because i am a pharmacist in training, so no insult was intended. what i really mean is the typical scientist who doesn't believe in any thing but science, and i do agree that you should look for a medical explanation but if all fails there is a God. but then again i didn't see your last paragraph so my apologies on dat cos by the time i got to that i had already formed and opinion and skimped thru that path
Deletemadam sting isn’t claiming that miracles do not happen but statistically people who haven’t been fortunate enough to have kids for a long time go through fertility treatments (hence the multiple birth scenario).
DeleteNothing she has said here is against faith or religion or Miracles.... everything is in reference to common sense (wisdom); in proverbs 4, God told us “Get wisdom; get insight; do not forget, and do not turn away from the words of my mouth” ... wisdom is knowing the difference between Keeping faith and the probability of conception with low sperm count
Thank you for reading and comprehending EXACTLY what I was trying to say.
DeleteI second bkgirl's comment. Not everyone who waited years to get pregnant actually got pregnant based on fertility treatments they did.
ReplyDeleteYears after they stopped the treatment...God intervened. You know, just like He brought water from the rock.
Taken on the surface I can somewhat understand your annoyance Madame Sting. Cos indeed we know that a baby is conceived when Sammy Spermatozoa meets Olga Ovum. That is a biological God-ordained fact. Now, I am not trying to say I know for sure what the person who posted the comment meant but I can understand it from this point of view:
ReplyDeleteTrue sperm gives children but a man can have all the sperm he wants and the woman can have all the eggs she wants but LIFE and the force that creates it comes from God. Believing this then means that the absence or inadequacy of both of these two must haves for a baby to be conceived CAN NOT hinder God from bringing about LIFE. Its part of his Sovereignty and his ability to be I AM regardless of physical circumstances.
I know couples, checked out by skilled doctors and found to be perfect healthy, yet no baby. How come? I don't know. But this I do know. Not everything that sounds wise is wise and not everything that sounds foolish is foolish. And if you look through the bible, much of what we see in there makes no sense at all......how can iron float, a donkey speak, a rod sprout buds, a sea part, a bronze serpent heal, a virgin have a baby? If I told you any of these were possible today, would you say I was trying to deceive you?
I hope not, I hope you would believe that I was trying to just get you to exercise FAITH in a God that is not hindered by anything.
Happy New Year Madame Sting!
DeleteI agree. God created the sperm and the ovum. Its important that these are in good condition. But if for any reason something isnt right, the same God that created them, can fix them or use the them fo show that HE is God.
DeleteIf it was black and white why are there so many good Christian couples struggling with infertility? They must not be praying hard enough. Not buying what you are selling.
Deleteyou said it all salt
DeleteSalt, flesh and blood has not revealed this to you. You are wise.
DeleteEveryone is given a measure of faith. And Faith is a personal thing. Some people may choose to combine their faith with medical interventions and others may decide to just go the faith route only. And both produce results(miracles). I don't think its deceiving other Christians.
ReplyDeleteYes some hear miracle stories and decide to do exactly what that person did so they can get same results but it doesn't work that way! Everybody's issue is different and would not always respond the same way.
It is deceiving other Christians when u use medical intervention but don't mention it when u give ur testimony. I agree with the rest of what u said.
ReplyDeleteWhat a stupid statement!
ReplyDeleteIf Sperm doesn't give children, then why did God create men? People always want God to do everything for them. They seem to have forgotten that God gave them a brain to lessen the work for Him.
That you have an incompatible blood type is an indication that you should not marry each other or your kids will suffer. This is why before you marry, many churches will request for a genotype result. I had to do that before I got married.
As a Christian I don't allow the fact that I am under the grace of God become an excuse to start lazying about and not playing my own part. Unless God does the miracle of changing SS blood type to AA, there's no legitimate reason to marry!
Religion they say is the opium of the masses...some people stay deceiving others and never come out clean...yeah there are so called medical miracles but then these happen for people few people...most actually go the medical way.
ReplyDeleteI totally support this post.
I understand your point of view, and can also understand how some people might misinterprete it.
ReplyDeleteBasically, what I think you're saying is: God is the source of all things/all knowlegde, but He gave us tek brains to develop technologies/make life wonderful. Similarly, God is the source of life, but He has given us the ability to do IVF, ovulation timing and other conception measures.
GBAM! fake testimonies that deceive others! Yes, GOD is the giver of Children but they should say the truth how they got pregnant! And as for the issue of AS, you already know my take on it. Like this post.
ReplyDeleteIt's a matter of personal beliefs. I think some people are a bit extra with the whole thing. For example someone was trying to make me feel bad for setting up an appointment for my yearly physical because he doesn't go to the doctors anymore based on faith. I told him that's irresponsible, if you have the means by all means go for a damn physical every year! What is wrong with people? I'm a child of God and I believe in miracles. Even when I take medication and it works I thank God because some people take it and it may not work for them. Some people just gotta be extra with everything!
ReplyDeletesting Sting>>>always hitting the nail on the head...
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with your standpoint..,when I say totally I mean totally..
I read on a blog sometime ago about a woman that had triplets at 30 after being diagnosed with fibroid and she always had the dreams to have had all her kids by 30 and she wanted 3kids and she got triplets exactly at 30 after trying for 5 years or so...off to church and the testimony began...and my first thought was 'did you go to a doctor?' which obviously she did..
they make the error or "purposeful" error of concealing all the medical stuffs that went down and head straight for d altar for testimonies just to show to their fellow church members that they are besties with God (God is besties with everybody and I am NOT saying there are no true testimonies oo) which leads some gullible ones astray to turn to only prayer and fasting without seeking medical help..
God gave Medicine the brain for solutions for a reason...#nuff said
P.s Happy new year!
I always wonder at the ignorance and gullibility of some of our so called bible thumpers, can we please apply some practical sense to our lives? I say ignorant cos some don't mean to decieve, the ones that get my goat at the charlatan pastors, God save us from those people.