Hi, my name is Sting, and i am a weirdo. Pheww.... load off my chest. I can continue blogging. I'm having a blast. My sister, her 3 kids and her fiance are here for an extended weekend and it's being fun, fun, fun!!! Ask me what we have done so far. Nothing! Except, have a huge blow out quarrel that lasted for all of an hour, and yes... help my other sister pack up her store. So much fun packing up boxes. Despite the lack of fun filled activities, we've been having fun just hanging out.
OMG.... let me tell u guys. I have issues. It seems like i don't want a regular ol' relationship where the guy is really into me, and i don't have to worry if he likes me or not. So Mr. Sting has been Mr. perfect so far. Your regular ol' dream guy. In fact, i think i need to slap myself for not scooping him up all these while cos he's been there 4ever. But.............. I think i hate having a boyfriend. I feel trapped. It's too drama free. Too much love, too much attention. It's like too much sugar..... it causes cavities. I'm bored. He is robbing me of all the fun of being in a relationship. No opportunity to practice my mind reading skills. He has taken the excitement out of looking at the phone and willing it to ring. Have you guys ever tried that? Trust me it works. Just look at ur phone without blinking for 10 minutes. Holding ur breath while staring at the phone cuts the time in half. However, if u pass out from lack of oxygen, do not say Sting told u to do that. You are on ur own.
I feel weird, it feels weird. I'm not used to a guy being this sweet to me. The guy is such a sweetheart, which was one of the main reasons why i didn't date him when i was in Nigeria. A guy shouldn't be that nice, abeg. Where's the freaking mean streak? Abeg, man up jooh! Usually when u first start dating someone there's the honeymoon period, being the cynical Sting that i am, i spend that "honeymoon" period waiting for the other shoe to drop. Surprise, surprise..... it drops not too soon after. With Mr. Sting i don't have to worry about that cos i still relate to him as a friend and he sometimes acts like me being with him is a prize. You need to hear some of the random things he says. How much worse can it get? He has even taken away the anticipation of when things are going to go downhill. I can't even worry about that. I'm not joking oh! I'm freaking bored with this. This is unfamiliar territory and i'm not sure how much i like it.
I don't think i have any psychological issues. I'm just generally bored with relationships. Oh, b4 i 4get let me put this out there. Hopefully the "internet waves" would let this float to the appropriate recipients of this message. To all u guys out there, is it written anywhere that the only place to take someone on a date is to go to the movies and go eat out? What's the point of going to see a movie with u if i just met u? I can't even get to talk to u. Don't be asking me to no movie, when on a regular day u won't even spend 10minutes on the phone to gist with me. Yes, i said gist. How hard is that. As for eating out, that's all well and good but i think it's really mean and sadistic to ask someone with braces out on a date to go eat. Thankfully those days are over, so i'll say no more on that. Point is, there are a million and one things to do on a date besides dinner and a movie. That shit is tired.
P.S. Whoever invented retainers needs to be tied to a tree and flogged.
Clarification (cos of some comments)
I'm not actually complaining about Mr. Sting being nice to me. This post is basically about me trying to deal with his "niceness". ALL the guys have i had dealings with (toasters, boyfriends and otherwise...... don't ask me what otherwise means, u no go school?) have been one disaster after another. This is a really refreshing change. He is perfect FOR ME. I have a very strong personality and most Nigerian guys have a problem with it cos they love RESPECT aka lick my feet and kiss my ass. I don't know how to be submissive ( their favorite word). However, Mr. Sting doesn't see anything wrong with the way i am. If i just met him, i would be highly suspicious of his motives. He has seen me at my worst and has been a recipient of many angry tirades and outbursts. I remember one time when i was yelling at him in Uni back in nigeria, and one of our chemistry professors had to come pull me away. The next day in class (private tutorial class) in front of everyone, the professor said "Look at her looking so innocent, she almost killed this guy yesterday". I was so embarrassed and i bet he was too, yet he still continued to like me. Valentine's day 2002, after going through heaven and earth to get stuff for me, i got mad that he came late and abandoned him in front of the dorms. I had no idea he stayed out there waiting for me for 3hrs, while i was in my room sleeping. Still, oh boy no gree go. I decided i didn't want him to be my boyfriend cos he was too nice. He wasn't a hard man, as they say. Besides, i had tons of guys asking me out then, so i didn't have patience. Too many fishes in the river. I laugh at myself now.
At that point in my life i didn't know what i wanted in a guy. As long as he was cute, he was alright by me (at least initially cos Mr. Sting is cute). I guess i had to go through the bullshit with other guys to appreciate what had been in front of me all these while. That doesn't mean i'm not scared or worried. The whole concept of "relationship" worries me because it has been something that has brought so much stress, drama, pain and tears to my life. I'm just trying to adjust to something different. I am not being ungrateful. With regards to my "boredom". Ehh... What can i say? I like excitement, Goddammit! He better get ready for some rock climbing, skydiving, bungee jumping and other life threatening FUN activities.
BTW, i like him a lot. He's the bread to my butter. That was so cheesy but na true. COL (chuckle out loud).
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