I had initially talked about a Pure Romance giveaway weeks ago but never followed through. The only rule was to go on the website and tell me what you would like to try. I have decided to do things a little differently this time. What i like about Pure Romance is that it's not all about sex toys. There are products that are geared towards sexual health. I understand that a lot of people find it uncomfortable to talk about sexual activity but i think it is a bit easier for me because i can be clinical and matter of fact about things. Sex is an important part of life and the second reason for most marital breakups, so why not educate yourself and save yourself some trouble.
Someone told me they went to the website but could not find anything they liked. So i've decided to pull up some things that people might find useful. Pure Romance has what they call intimacy enhancement products. I want to focus on vaginal health products, pelvic floor exercises and lubricants as these are things most women would find useful especially new moms.
Toke Makinwa's last weeks vlog was about having a healthy vagina. I didn't listen to what she said, but i gather the gist of it was how to maintain yourself. There are products for people who have day to day vaginal dryness.
Vaginal dryness is the natural enemy of your sex life, but you have a
secret weapon to help take back your intimacy. Fresh Start is a gentle
vaginal moisturizer that easily absorbs into your skin to keep your
sensitive tissue supple. |
I know for sure that some people would find the Like a Virgin 24 hour Tightener useful. I've been around the blogosphere enough to know that this might be a solution to some people's problems.
This alum-based tightening cream makes the vaginal walls contract for up to 24 hours, so you feel tighter to him and he feels larger to you. |
I know we have all heard of Kegels which is an exercise used to strengthen the pelvic floor. Pelvic floor exercisers are used with kegel exercises to help further strengthen the vaginal wall. These products are good for women who are having problems with bladder control, weaker pelvic muscles after childbirth or pelvic surgery, or if you just want to experience stronger orgasms.
My sister told me that when she host parties, the number one product that people buy are not sex toys but lubricants. For a lot of women between the ages of 18-45, their bodies don't produce enough natural lubricant which can be problematic. Most lubricants are either water based or silicone based. The water based lubricants feel like a woman's natural moisture. They are water soluble, so they absorb into the vaginal tissue, help with vaginal dryness and are mild for most women. The silicone based lubricants are too large to be absorbed into the tissues, so they last longer and better for water or anal sex.
Plenty to chose from |
The website has tons of other stuff, but these are things i thought might be useful to some people. I haven't personally tried any of these stuff. I just think these are good products that people might find useful.
March is my sister's birthday month, so she is having a promotion where if you buy directly from her, you get 5% off. You can buy directly from her, by sending her an email at
pureromancebyaloaye@gmail.com. Everything is very discreetly done, so have no fear. In case you are wondering, i have no involvement in ANYTHING, so don't worry about me knowing anything about anything. I'm too busy catching up on sleep and netflix.
She also host parties too for people interested in that, bachelorette parties, bridal showers, girls night out, birthdays whatever.
Emailing her is just if you want to get 5% off for the month of March. Otherwise, buy through this link.
We are giving away a heart massager. As you can see it can be used for both E and R rated stuff. All you need to do to win is leave a comment saying whatever you want. Tell me how you feel about sexuality, are you comfortable talking about it? Tell me whatever you want to tell me or you can just say hi. I haven't heard from a lot of people this year. Anyone who left a comment on prior posts about pure romance saying they wanted a free gift is automatically eligible. I'll randomly pick a winner on Sunday, March 16th.
I hope on some level this post was at least informative. So tell a friend to tell a friend and remember to buy from
my sista! pureromancebyaloaye@gmail.com. She answer any questions you have also. She is the soul of discretion.
Disclaimer - This is NOT a paid advertisement and I have not tried any of the products. You can try it and tell me how you like them. Help a sister out! :)