It's 5.30am, i'm exhausted but after reading a particular comment, i just had to do this. I saw the post earlier today, didn't have the time, energy or interest to comment. If you read my blog, you would at least have a sense of where i stand in the homosexuality issue. While i might not support what someone is saying, i believe we are all entitled to our opinions and beliefs, so i will defend someone's right be to able to say what they want to say. Afterall, it's a free world and if while stating your opinion, you end up looking like an o_O, it's all on you. For the sake of clarity, this comment is what i am referring to.

- As long as you are not gay, you have no leg to stand on to say it is a CHOICE. When did you decide to like the opposite sex? Have you ever been faced with that choice? Don't speak on what you don't know or are you a professor specializing in Homosexual studies?
- "Being gay is a bigger sin than committing adultery or having premarital sex". Blood of Jesus, hold me back. Are you FREAKING kidding me? After you just said "although a sin is a sin". Na wa o. Behold the second coming of christ. So now we get to pick and chose which is a bigger sin.
So while i support Kit kat's right to believe what she believes and say what she wants to say, since it's a free world, i'm also allowed to have an opinion on it. Amongst other things, I find the title of that post to be very OFF. Don't be afraid to be Anti-Gay? What exactly do you mean by anti-gay? It's easy to say, i don't mind the people, i just don't like the act. Hmmm.... Ok! No problem then. Where do you draw the line? Can you really separate the person from the act? How will you feel if someone says, Don't be afraid to be Anti-Black? Oh yeah, they already said it and did it and people are still paying a price for it till today. I don't know though. I'm going to sleep.
*I had decided sometime ago to leave this homosexuality issue alone but i just can't help myself, apparently.
**I apologize in advance to Iwalewa and Kit Kat, who may or may not be offended by this post. It's nothing personal.
*** While there were other comments that caused me to raise an eyebrow, Iwalewa's comment got my goat. A sin is a sin is a sin. We don't get to chose which is a bigger sin and saying "in my opinion" doesn't make it any better.-
This is one of my main problems with religion and the religious, you pick and chose. So at the end of the day, everyone ends up being a hypocrite.
Here's a nice
rebuttal to my post, where Ms. Iwalewa was nice enough to not explain herself to me :)
I think
Sugabelly's post is worth a read too. Although, if you were pressed for time and you had to pick one to read, i'll say pick Sugabelly's, cos Iwalewa's was a whole lot of fuming at the mouth and not much substance.