Ha! Eat ur hearts our blogville........................ I kid, i kid!
The award states "This blog invests and believes in PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships! These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind of bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers!
Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award."
I really like this award because of what it's about. When i first started blogging in 2007, for the longest time, i didn't allow comments cos i wasn't trying to meet anybody. I just wanted a place to unload my troubled thoughts. Now, it's different. I don't mind meeting people on here. A couple of you guys are my friends on facebook, and the very lovely miss GNG took the time and effort to call me one time when i was having some issues and needed someone to talk to. What could be sweeter than that? She's awesome.
You guys see the right side of this blog...... look! It has my email address. Feel free to use it if u have questions or what not. I'm always happy to receive emails, now replying is another thing. Just joking. All you pre-meds out there, naija or otherwise, feel free to email me. Bumight was very helpful and encouraging when i was going through that process, so i definitely want to extend the favor to anyone else i can.
Do u guys remember this award? I said i was going pass it on, and i never did. Well....... it's a new year. I guess (as hard as it is for me), i'm going to stop being so selfish and pass this award along. If you hear ur name, come to the front of the class, stretch out ur hands. Six strokes of the cane, cos you all have been naughty.
- Good naija girl
- Bumight
- Solomonsydelle
- Temite
- Crase.... i mean, Vera
- Toluwa
- Invisible
- Standtall
- Mizchif
- Geisha
On to other related business. You all know award season is about to start. The Grammys, Emmy, Golden globes, Razzies or what have you. I'm not exactly sure cos i never watch these things but i remember (vaguely) that it's usually at the beginning of the year. I think we need to do another Nigerian Bloggers Award thingy. Taureanminx and Azuka came together and had one in 2006. Vera talked about it here. There's a lot more new nigerian bloggers on the scene. I wasn't even a blogger when the first one was held. I think it's going to be a lot of fun. Picture blogville idol 08. Besides i think it will help wake up all u lazy ass bloggers who have refused to update. ABBIE..........!!!!!! UPDATE!!!!!!
So who's up for it? I most definitely would love to be a part of it, but since i haven't done it before i have no illusions i can even begin to do it by myself. We need other interested parties who can make this thing fun and maybe put some life into blogville, help us come together, discover new blogs, embrace new bloggers and all that good stuff. Thoughts, comments, suggestions............ Leave it in the comment section, email me (chacha4mi@hotmail.com), whatever. Let's make this happen.
yay! another award.
ReplyDeleteI should do a post to pass on all the awards I've gotten :)
that's what blogville is for - friends you can count on!
PS: can you highlight the part of the post with my name, and possibly put my name in red :) LOL!
the more the merrier jor! (med students!)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the award. Much appreciated.
I am so glad you raise dthe prospect of a naija bloggers award. Truth is, there are so many incredible bloggers, some recognition/shine would be good, but would also encourage others to keep blogging and/or blog better, even.
BTW, you got a special mention in my post which is up right now, so JUMP!
YAY YAY YAY for me. I AM ON FIREEE!!!!!!!!! I got another award. YAY! YAY! I am so glad I started blogging! I have met so many wonderful peeps on here. Thanks so much STING! YOU ROCK!
ReplyDeletesounds like fun. and its true that you meet friends here, and even find some you share something really intimate with.
ReplyDeletelol@ bumight. what u feeling like girl?
Award season. Hmmn. I guess I should start looking for a dress. hehehe.
ReplyDelete:( So no award for me...God dey o...I kid!
ReplyDeleteFriends are made on blogville.
ReplyDeleteHopefully they will be for a lifetime.
daz a beautiful award u have there.
ReplyDeleteamvery grateful 2 God 4 d awesome ple i met n blogville. infact, i seem closer 2 some of demdan d friends i know face 2 face
I have met such wonderful people on blogville. Maybe the prevalant anonimity makes us more accepting and more objective in our judgement of people, maybe we are just truly wonderful people. Whatever it is, I'm glad I am a blogger and I am glad you are too.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the honour, stingarama! You're a great gal and it's been awesome getting to know you.
ReplyDeleteHaving a Nigerian Blogger Awards would be great! We need some good planning though to make sure it goes off smoothly. It actually sounds like a ton of fun (because I loooove organizing things) so I'm pretty sure I'd be willing to help...how soon would you want to put this on?
(lol I'll hold off on emailing you sha...we'll see how my own plans for my blog anniversary this week pan out before I commit to helping something much larger in scale)
Good Naija Girl
happy new year lady!
ReplyDeleteSting o sting, thanks for the award again.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'll jam you one day on one of my trips to your village, lol.
AWESOME! my first award ever! Thnx a bunch!
ReplyDeleteAn award thingy wld be great but am nt so great at planning stuff. But it wld be nice tho!
YAY!!! let's have it!Me thinks it'll be awesome!!!
ReplyDeleteAww, thanks Sting, i feel highly honoured. To think i was actually thinking of quitting my blog. This has me all fired up (i think)
ReplyDeleteWhat is it with Bumight always wanting her name in lights anyway!
am a scorpio too..:)
ReplyDeletethe best about blogsville is dat u hear truthful opinions cos they dont "send" u especially wen u are anonymous
by the way ,please nominate LG as d MOST DIPLOMATIC blogger,av never ever seeen anyone like dat,she never takes a stand.
ReplyDeleteshe jus goes "mwaaah"or it is well or u know i love u or come and collect present.
maybe i shd do a post on what i think abt several bloggers self
Didnt see my name o:(
ReplyDeleteOkay sha, no wahala:)
The award thingy sounds like a nice idea. We def need some excitement up in here!
Award time! Yes o, let's do a Naija bloggers award so I can nominate a couple of folk.
ReplyDeleteHappy new year sting!
congrats on ur award o..
ReplyDeleteyea, the nigerian bloggers awards shud be fun!