Saturday, November 14, 2015


How old would you be, if you didn't know how old you are?
I don't feel like my age at all. 
It doesn't help that i don't look my age
I was a professional student
and i continue to be a student of sorts. 

But at the end of the day,
Age is really just a number. 
You are as old as you feel. 

Although what would your physical exam read
 Looks stated age, appears older than stated age or 
appears younger than stated age
I have seen some patients in their late 90s look
at least 20 years younger. 
No lie. 
More often than not, 
It is appears older than stated age

Take care of your body, 
don't smoke, drink excessively, stay out of the sun, 
don't do drugs, take preventive care serious, be physically active, 
eat a healthy diet , stay hydrated
keep your fingers crossed
and hopefully, your body will serve you well in your old age. 

On a different note, 
I had the worst clinic day in the history of residency. 
I never thought i could lose empathy and get fed up of/with a patient


  1. Pele. The respect I have for you doctors knows no bounds. I personally could never have that kind of patience. Una dey try gan. I'm sure that patient must have really rubbed you the wrong way.

  2. I would be 20....if I didn't know my age.

    Sorry about your bad day

  3. I'm forever 18 please loool. i hear i look younger than my years too :)

  4. People confuse my age, some assume I am younger and some older...for me it doesn't matter.

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